GrumpyOwlParade - how do you effectively delega...

how do you effectively delegate tasks to an assistant? what type of tasks do you give them?
3 Replies
genetic-orange6mo ago
its been doc'ed elsewhere but the long and short is to document something you do as best as possible, hand a task over and have them try. update docs as needed
graceful-blue6mo ago
This is a useful way of figuring out what to delegate:
Forte Labs
The Last 100 Exercise: How I’m Delegating 85% of My Work
This is one of the most powerful exercises I’ve ever invented for delegating aspects of my work to others.
graceful-blue6mo ago
The hardest part is figuring out what to delegate to me. So much in life is "easy" if you're comfortable with solving problems. The challenge is changing your mindset - you need to look at what tasks you do that directly help your goals. Delegate everything that doesn't support those goals. Another way to look at it is "what tasks can i delegate so i can have more time" becoming a parent put this in focus for me - i only get 30 minute time blocks AT BEST. I have to do the most important work in that window that will give me more time or it's meaningfully impactful.