CloudFlare Warp Connectivity issue on Laptop

Cloudflare warp doesnt seem to work on my laptop , but on my Phone it works perfectly fine , what could be the issue , I don't have any other vpn enabled . I even tried resetting encryption key it does't seem to solve the issue? It may some times work for a whole 3 minutes then My connection just dies , while on the Cloud warp application it shows i am connected , despite there being no connection. Any knows any solution ?
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8 Replies
ThebusygamerYt6mo ago
@Community Champion !ping lol
itsmatteomanf6mo ago
Flare6mo ago
Please do not ping community members for non-moderation reasons. Doing so will not solve your issue faster and will make people less likely to want to help you.
ThebusygamerYt6mo ago
rip if i didnt ping , this post would have probally been lost in help chat
andrew_nyr6mo ago
I understand that, but we are not support. If someone sees your post and wants to help they will stop by.
ThebusygamerYt6mo ago
ok , also IS there a separate discord server for Cloud Warp Support? or is it the same one ?
Erisa6mo ago
If you click the bug report icon on warp then it will open a ticket with the warp engineering team
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ThebusygamerYt6mo ago
ohHHHHH i forgot about that gg, thx