Novu6mo ago

Can I define Step Variables that are not rendered nor used in the step?

eg: setting some vars to be used as metadata alongside the step variables that get rendered
4 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
@bjornaer There is one way to do that use that variable in step conditions and give some non reachable value or you can just send any variable in payload, if step has that variable, it will be used.
bjornaer6mo ago
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
@bjornaer would you like to share how you are using this unused variable as meta data?
bjornaer6mo ago
we have a notification that is related to an entity - this entity can be archived or not, we use the in-app notification step to send updates about the entity, and I wish to send this variable archived along with the paylod, for the frontend to add visual elements related to this - but this data is not a part of the in-app notification directly.