Bot Stops Randomly (Error)

Does anyone know what the error below is from? It randomly stops my bot.
reject(new DiscordjsError(ErrorCodes.GuildMembersTimeout));
Error [GuildMembersTimeout]: Members didn't arrive in time.
at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/GuildMemberManager.js:267:16)
at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17)
at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7) {
code: 'GuildMembersTimeout'
reject(new DiscordjsError(ErrorCodes.GuildMembersTimeout));
Error [GuildMembersTimeout]: Members didn't arrive in time.
at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/managers/GuildMemberManager.js:267:16)
at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17)
at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7) {
code: 'GuildMembersTimeout'
12 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit5mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
Mark5mo ago
Guessing you try to fetch guild members without the intent
LoganM5mo ago
I have the intent though for it.
const client = new Client({
intents: [Guilds, GuildMembers, GuildMessages, MessageContent, GuildMessageReactions],
partials: [User, Message, GuildMember, ThreadMember],
const client = new Client({
intents: [Guilds, GuildMembers, GuildMessages, MessageContent, GuildMessageReactions],
partials: [User, Message, GuildMember, ThreadMember],
Mark5mo ago
How many members are in the guild
LoganM5mo ago
Four, it hasn't released.
Mark5mo ago
Then it's almost certainly a lack of intents
LoganM5mo ago
You see all of the intents above for it. Do you see something wrong for it?
mris5mo ago
well i received this error once... my internet was probably slow and it took too long to fetch members true mine was a guild with 200k+ members
rolyPolyVole5mo ago
make sure you enabled the intents in your developer portal aswell Guild Members intent
treble/luna5mo ago
they did if they didnt they'd get an error
rolyPolyVole5mo ago
true Do you know which file tries to fetch members?
treble/luna5mo ago
they were asked that already