In flutter, Help me to extract data from qr scanner result

i used this plugin in my case it's works but here is my code MobileScanner( controller: cameraController, overlay: Container( width: 200, height: 200, padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 0), child: Image.asset('assets/images/frame-3.png'), ), onDetect: ( capture, ) { if (!isScanCompleted) { final dynamic values = capture.barcodes .map((code) => code.rawValue ?? '---') .toList()[0]; // final dynamic values; final Uint8List? imageBytes = capture.image; final format = capture.barcodes[0].format; // Access the format here final type = capture.barcodes[0].type; // Access the type here debugPrint( 'Barcode found! ${values} (format: ${format}) (type: $type)'); // debugPrint('$imageBytes'); isScanCompleted = true;
} }, ) i get the raw data like this in sting formate BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:dasfsadfsad;asfasdf FN:asfasdf dasfsadfsad ORG:Code with Samir TITLE:sadfads ADR:;;asdfasdf;sw;asdfsadf;656565;ws TEL;WORK;VOICE:546546546 TEL;CELL:998989898 TEL;FAX:sadfasd EMAIL;WORK; URL: END:VCARD
Dart packages
mobile_scanner | Flutter Package
A universal barcode and QR code scanner for Flutter based on MLKit. Uses CameraX on Android, AVFoundation on iOS and Apple Vision & AVFoundation on macOS.
Mario Silva
QR Code Generator
Free vCard QR Code Generator | QR Code Generator
Use vCard QR Code generator to create virtual business cards for free. Customize it with your colors and add a logo. Create your free vCard QR Code now!
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