Beacon Probe Causing Uneven First Layer?

Hello, I have a vcore 500mm and just installed a beacon probe. after running it my first layer was bad and seemed to be very inconsistent. Its high in areas and way to low in others. I can see the z axis moving when its printing so I know something is happening. Any advice on how to fix this? I attached an image of the first layer to show how some areas are fine and others are awful.
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13 Replies
TonyStyles14mo ago
@cm Can you attach a screenshot of your heightmap and the numbers below it?
cmOP14mo ago
Yeah here it is
cmOP14mo ago
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TonyStyles14mo ago
I don't know what is acceptable for Range on the 500's. But IIRC on the 400's I believe they recommend less than 0.2. I don't know enough about these issues to give a solid recommendation. But, if you haven't it might be worth watching this video and following some of the recommended steps. It seems like your back right corner is a bit low and could be adjusted; watch the video, he describes how. I'd start there personally.
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
RatRig V-Core 3: How to Get a Square Frame
This video is for those who struggle getting bed meshed with their RatRig V-Core 3. Please feel free to jump to the chapter you are interested in. 0:00 Intro 1:05 about the v-core 3 frame and bed leveling 8:26 what to take care of in the building phase 9:17 the right square 10:09 build tips 16:50 adjusting the frame according to your bed mesh ...
TonyStyles14mo ago
I saw your other thread. It seems like if you were having success with a BLTouch before, then your bed and frame alignment must be good enough? There's another thread about making sure your mesh is active during your print, maybe that is worth checking? It seems like this happens by default, but people seem to sometimes not have it enabled based on what I saw in some Google searches.
cmOP14mo ago
Ok thanks Yeah it was definitely better before I can attach my printer config. Maybe I’m not loading the beacon mesh? Also, is it possible my magnetic sheet is lumpy and causing the inconsistencies?
cmOP14mo ago
Let me know if everything looks correct. I have a lot of stuff at the bottom that i dont know if i need.
03Julian045mo ago
Hello do you solve the problem ? I have the same I think
TheTik5mo ago
Rule #4, Open your own thread please 🙂
03Julian045mo ago
I only ask if he found a solution don’t know that this is not okay 😂
cmOP5mo ago
I did find a solution actually! It was that my magnetic sheet was peeling in the corners and wasn’t laid down nicely. After replacing it everything was fine
03Julian045mo ago
What do you mean can you send photos
cmOP5mo ago
I dont have any picutres of it, but the magnetic sheet had large air bubbles in certain regions and was not adhering to the metal bed in the corners because I hadnt cleaning the surface well. Also my frame was not square like it should have been

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