Upgrade Octopus V1.1 to Octopus Pro H723

Hi Is the Octopus Pro H723 supposed to work just as easy as Octopus V1.1 on the Ratrig 400 when following the setup through RatOS and configurator there ? I got a few issues on the Pro that i did not get on the V1.1
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12 Replies
blacksmithforlifeβ€’5mo ago
both 1.0 and 1.1 of the H723 are listed as supported in https://os.ratrig.com/docs/boards/list
Olavβ€’5mo ago
Yes I know but cant figure out why I get those warnings πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Yes but you need to update it first (RatOS and the RatOS Configurator). Those warnings have nothing to do with that though. Those indicate you're using a year old release of ratos and never made the crowsnest migration despite a several month long announcement in the very same place you're now getting those warnings: https://os.ratrig.com/blog/crowsnest-v4-breaking-changes-manual-upgrade
Crowsnest v4 contains breaking changes and requires manual steps to...
Crowsnest just recently made huge changes to the way it works. This is great news, because it should be much faster and more reliable. Unfortunately, it also means that there are major breaking changes, and you'll need to do some manual steps to upgrade. When you update to V4 through the machine tab in mainsail, crowsnest will stop working until...
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
did you use the configurator to flash the h723 and did you uncomment the right board? If not, start there.
Olavβ€’5mo ago
Hmm, did not know this. I did my first RatOS setup in november and just followed the steps in the firmware guide from Ratrig. I took a quick look at it now and see that there have been som chenges. Klipper and Pi newbie here so I dont fully understand all the words and stuff around that Pi yet, but getting better each day. Will start with updating to that V4 I think that the Octopus V1.1 worked without updating to V4 with RatOS 2.0 I give it a try tomorrow
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
November 2022 or 2023? Because you wouldn’t be getting these warnings with the RatOS 2.0.2 image. Like i said crowsnest warnings and MCU error are completely unrelated You can ignore crowsnest completely if you don’t use a camera.
Olavβ€’5mo ago
November 2023 I dont use a camera, does that mean crownsnest can be deleted ? I know MCU error is not related πŸ˜€ I deleted everything and started from scratch, now it works πŸ˜‡
lostpexβ€’5mo ago
Hello people,
I've been fighting with crowsnest for several days, and I always encounter the same problem. At a certain point, about 10-15 minutes after the start of the installation, the system collapses and the connection with the Raspberrypi is lost. At that moment the fan for cooling the parts turns on. On the Raspberrypi both the red and green LEDs remain lit. Once manually turned off and turned back on, crowsnest is installed at version v4.1.2-1-ge209d19d. I never got to step 9 of the manual installation on the official website, by Mikkel Schmidt. The system collapses first. Since crowsnest was installed, I tried to continue with the installation, from point 13 onwards, skipping 9, 10, 11 and 12 as the system collapsed. I followed all the steps but I can't get streaming. I also tried to follow the guide on the mainsail site. I also found The KIAUH method. I tested them all both from the terminal and with PuTTY. Every time at the same point the system collapses. Here are the photos of the system when it collapses, with the terminal, and the string where it crashes. Crowsnest error notifications appear when you uninstall Crowsnest. In the other photo, after the system crash and after the manual restart, you can see Crowsnest v4.1.2-1-ge209d19d, installed and active without an update in the interface. You can see that it is installed, even with KIAUH method. There are no more notifications as the entire system appears updated. I'm using the rat rig kit with Raspberrypi 3B. I hope no one else has this error. While I try and try again to install crownsnest, in various ways, I hope someone can tell me, why the system crashes, during the registration of that string, and what could cause the excessive consumption of CPU and MEM. Sorry for my English, I hope you understand the problem. Thanks in advance to everyone. Let's hope it's resolved πŸ™‚
lostpexβ€’5mo ago
Hello people,
I've been fighting with crowsnest for several days, and I always encounter the same problem.I also wrote on Facebook but asking more may solve the problem sooner πŸ™‚ At a certain point, about 10-15 minutes after the start of the installation, the system collapses and the connection with the Raspberrypi is lost. At that moment the fan for cooling the parts turns on. On the Raspberrypi both the red and green LEDs remain lit. Once manually turned off and turned back on, crowsnest is installed at version v4.1.2-1-ge209d19d. I never got to step 9 of the manual installation on the official website, by Mikkel Schmidt. The system collapses first. Since crowsnest was installed, I tried to continue with the installation, from point 13 onwards, skipping 9, 10, 11 and 12 as the system collapsed. I followed all the steps but I can't get streaming. I also tried to follow the guide on the mainsail site. I also found The KIAUH method. I tested them all both from the terminal and with PuTTY. Every time at the same point the system collapses. Here are the photos of the system when it collapses, with the terminal, and the string where it crashes. Crowsnest error notifications appear when you uninstall Crowsnest. In the other photo, after the system crash and after the manual restart, you can see Crowsnest v4.1.2-1-ge209d19d, installed and active without an update in the interface. You can see that it is installed, even with KIAUH method. There are no more notifications as the entire system appears updated. I'm using the rat rig kit with Raspberrypi 3B. I hope no one else has this error. While I try and try again to install crownsnest, in various ways, I hope someone can tell me, why the system crashes, during the registration of that string, and what could cause the excessive consumption of CPU and MEM. Sorry for my English, I hope you understand the problem. Thanks in advance to everyone. Let's hope it's resolved πŸ™‚
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’5mo ago
please start your own post
lostpexβ€’5mo ago
hello thanks, I' m new here, can you please tell me how? Maybe in general room?
blacksmithforlifeβ€’5mo ago
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