application failed to respond streamlit python app
some guidance here please....
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folklore, you should be able to get it to work by copying the railway.json from this repo into your project, make sure you remove a Procfile or the start command in the service settings if you have either
fragly, check if I have an existing template for it...
7 Replies
Project ID:
take a look at this:
Hey have followed these steps as it is
but still getting issue
In deploy logs getting this
🤔 that is interesting
Perhaps that's not the right way to do it on streamlit, I'm not sure since I don't use python
Otherwise if all else fails then you can force Railway to use a specific port, like port 3000 or something by setting the
service variable to port 3000
and then you can just serve on that port as a temporary solution until someone has an idea of what the issue isSolution
folklore, you should be able to get it to work by copying the railway.json from this repo into your project, make sure you remove a Procfile or the start command in the service settings if you have either
fragly, check if I have an existing template for it