Railway5mo ago

Nixpacks build failed on frontend app

Hi! Ive been wokring on a app that uses Python as a API server and frontend using HTML and JS. But when I deploy the githup repo for the frontend I keep getting Nixpacks build failed. My project Id is : d049f9d9-e78d-469c-92db-07275e5ffd44
For such a simple frontend, I agree with Fragly. However, there is a way to get this to work. rename your html file to index.html, then push your code. If that doesn’t work, add all your frontend files to another subfolder, then push
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12 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: d049f9d9-e78d-469c-92db-07275e5ffd44
Fragly5mo ago
Mind sending your build logs using this tool? https://bookmarklets.up.railway.app/log-downloader/
Fragly5mo ago
seems you're trying to host nothing but your frontend on Railway, railway can't really do that for you that way you'll need a backend that'll serve your frontend to users My recommendation is to host this on github pages, that way your hosting for your frontend will be completely free
Oliver_5mo ago
I think I have my backend on Railway, however I havent started connecting them, as Im using flask and cors
Adam5mo ago
For such a simple frontend, I agree with Fragly. However, there is a way to get this to work. rename your html file to index.html, then push your code. If that doesn’t work, add all your frontend files to another subfolder, then push
Adam5mo ago
Adam5mo ago
following this guide but ideally your backend should be serving these files or you should have more of a frontend infrastructure than just an index.html
Oliver_5mo ago
It worked with using index.html instead Thanks a lot!
Fragly5mo ago
dang I didn't know nixpacks had that NOWAY
Adam5mo ago
I googled no prob!
Brody5mo ago
it's like you forgot our conversation last night lol