Railway•6mo ago

GitHub access problems during build

Hi - I'm having GitHub access issues when trying to build a springboot app in Railway. The build is trying to access a private Maven repository I have hosted on GitHub but gets a "status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized" when it tries to resolve dependencies for my Maven repository. The build works fine in my own development environment so I know the repository is built correctly and is accessible. My Railway project depends on a few other GitHub repositories and has no problems reading them and triggering builds on update. I have the Railway GitHub integration set for full access to my GitHub repos. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I also followed this: https://blog.railway.app/p/github-actions without success. Any help would be greatly appreciated! projectId: 9a9b1f11-b9ff-43a7-b9f3-3c764927c3f8
Railway Blog
Using Github Actions with Railway
Github Actions come with a pretty neat set of features to automate your workflows. In this post, we talk about using Github Actions to automate your deployments on Railway.
13 Replies
Percy•6mo ago
Project ID: 9a9b1f11-b9ff-43a7-b9f3-3c764927c3f8
Brody•6mo ago
just to be clear, do you get these issues in the build logs on railway when trying to pull a private package from github?
BillK0001•6mo ago
yes, the error is captured in the build logs on railway. Failed to execute goal on project sattrackboot: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.wjk:sattrackboot🫙0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at XXXXX:fd-core🫙0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to read artifact descriptor for XXXXX:fd-core🫙0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: XXXXX:fd-core:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (absent): Could not transfer artifact XXXXX:fd-core:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT from/to github (https://maven.pkg.github.com/XXXXXX: status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized (401) That's the error where I substituted XXXX for my github account id (for privacy 🙂 )
Brody•6mo ago
gotcha, railway does not support pulling dependencies/packages from private github repos yet
BillK0001•6mo ago
Darn! Thanks for the insight. Was spinning my wheels for a while on this. Now have to come up with another solution to get my builds to work. Would rather not make the maven package public at th emoment.
Brody•6mo ago
I honestly can't think of a good way to do this, the best idea I can think of would be building an image for your app on github and deploying that, but that also has to be public so I don't think that solves much
BillK0001•6mo ago
.... still kind of a noob at this but was thinking of just packaging the jar file in the repo that depends on it.
Brody•6mo ago
that might be a good idea, but I don't know tbh, I'm not a java dev
BillK0001•6mo ago
I was able to get this working by building a custom nixpacks build. In the "setup" phase, I install the jar file locally and then do a normal build. The build/deploy process creates the service and I'm able to use it but my dashboard shows the service in a perpetual "building" state. Not sure why it's doing that. Here's a copy of my build file: providers = ['...'] [phases.setup] cmds = [ "echo custom setup", "echo copying local jar ...", "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./PrivateJars/fd-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -DpomFile=./PrivateJars/pom.xml", "...", "echo custom setup complete" ] [phases.build] dependsOn = ["setup"] restartPolicyMaxRetries = 1 cmds = [ "echo custom build", "...", "java -Dserver.port=$PORT -Dspring.profiles.active=production $JAVA_OPTS -jar target/*jar", "echo custom build complete" ]
Brody•6mo ago
you are running your server in the build
BillK0001•6mo ago
thanks! As soon as I figure out how to "buy coffee" or "buy railway" I'll send something your way.
Brody•6mo ago
haha dont feel any need to, but thank you