Railway5mo ago

Application activated and no error on the terminal, but service unavailable

Using DOCKERFILE the application is built correctly without any errors. No errors in the terminal, everything is green and active! However, when accessing the domain generated by the railway itself, I have an error that the Application does not respond.
5 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: de6aa9fa-2222-4fda-b205-6373c814371d
քʀ5mo ago
քʀ5mo ago
Thank you brother! But I managed to solve it by defining the port in an environment variable. Apparently setting the port in a Dockerfile and in the Spring boot application was not enough.
Brody5mo ago
awesome I'm glad you where able to solve it, but that docs page does cover the issue you are faced, I don't think it covers anything spring related but it does cover the principles of why you faced your issue and how to solve it in a generic way
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