
hello railway forum, I'm using nodemailer within nodejs server to send email verification , now when i send email locally it works just fine the receiver revives the email but when i send it from railway server i can see from the logs that the email is sent but the user never receives the email >>any one can help with this ?
7 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: d8b7fdf9-eed7-4623-8d62-9369efec1728
hasanbaydoun6mo ago
service id : d8b7fdf9-eed7-4623-8d62-9369efec1728
Brody6mo ago
what email service are you using with nodemailer? it's likely that they are blocking your access because it's coming from shared hosting
hasanbaydoun6mo ago
im using outlook365 , But in sent emails in the inbox of the email i can see that the messages are sent here's the code
hasanbaydoun6mo ago
No description
Attacler/Bart6mo ago
it could also be the content of the mail itself i had this once when there was an img tag without a src if your sending the exact same thing from railway as the other hosting/local, some links that might help: - (does not receive on an outlook emailadres) -
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Attacler/Bart6mo ago
it could also be in the spam of the receiver i guess
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