Novu6mo ago

Issue running Novu Locally

I'm trying to run Novu locally on my machine. I used NVM to make sure version 20.8.1 was installed but run into errors. I then tried running the app through Docker but am not quiet sure how to do it (I read a few commands and tried them to no avail). I setup a dev environment for the app but am not sure how to get that to run in my browser. Can anyone give me some tips? I'm on a Mac running macOS 14.2.1, 8GB RAM, NPM 10.2.3. Thanks!
5 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
@AlexCS Could you share the issue you are facing I tried with node version 20.10.0
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
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Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain6mo ago
It is working as expected
AlexCS6mo ago
Ok I switched to the same node version. I'm getting this error, I believe it's the same error but it prints continually so I stopped the process to capture it.
No description
AlexCS6mo ago
Glad to report that I think I have just resolved this issue! Thanks for your help @Pawan Jain