Resetting Root or User Password

Resetting Root or User Password
43 Replies
Noel5mo ago
Documentation or Functionality for Resetting Root Password · Issue ...
Upstream has documentation on this: for Fedora Workstation and other non-atomic Fedora variants. However, this sparked discussio...
Noel5mo ago
Really good conversation going on in this issue with Colin about systemd emergency target. Also he added best practice for how to reset the root password in the thread as well @bsherman @j0rge @Kyle Gospo @nickname pinged all of you in the above issue.
before i put this public, does everything look correct here: i never really messed around the GRUB prompt. Let me know if I should add or correct anything if anyone has time to read this
Universal Blue
Reset Your Forgotten Password
Boot with init=/bin/bash on the kernel command line (e.g. edit grub prompt) Once you are in the GRUB command line: mount -t selinuxfs selinuxfs /sys/fs/selinux /sbin/load_policy passwd → type new password sync /sbin/reboot -ff Thanks to Colin Walters for the solution
Noel5mo ago
I would do numbered steps instead of bullets. Also I can get a screenshot of what a grub prompt should look like with the additional statement on the end of it. Likely can't do that until tonight. Very good to credit Colin for his contribution!
thanks you can post it here if it's easier for you (when you can no hurry) take your time im glad this was figured out and we gave it some attention
Noel5mo ago
yes! I never really thought about this until someone ran into it. also one other edit to the passwd statement, I would do passwd [INSERT USERNAME HERE] i.e. passwd nick to reset your user's password. otherwise you will reset the root accounts password.
j0rge5mo ago
yeah just publish it, we'll make it a wiki, and that'll be fine!
ok i will publish it and make it a wiki right now
Noel5mo ago
No description
No description
No description
No description
Noel5mo ago
here are some relevant screenshots.
Noel5mo ago
4th picture is selecting your entry oh hang on.
im here
Noel5mo ago
I didn't annotate the 4th one correctly.
Noel5mo ago
No description
Noel5mo ago
make it obvious what to do.
alright thanks again for the screenshots
Noel5mo ago
@nickname we should probably propose this getting added to the upstream Silverblue wiki as well since it is relevant to them too!
im not exactly sure where to propose that agreed though
Noel5mo ago
There should be a Fedora docs page for Silverblue. I'll see if I can track it down.
Fedora Docs
Fedora Silverblue User Guide
Learn more about Fedora Linux, the Fedora Project & the Fedora Community.
j0rge5mo ago
click the edit button top right
yeah i see now i wanted to make sure this was the correct place ok
Noel5mo ago
Yup. A sub page would probably be relevant.
ah nice it's on github
Noel5mo ago
Might be good to link it from the main Fedora workstation page as well. So people don't get confused. Like we did! 😄
this will be my plan for later. gotta do something real quick, but i will get this done by the end of the day. very happy this was figured out and we have proper documentation on it their markup standard is AsciiDoc i see lol i will reformat it to that
Noel5mo ago
Yeah, I forgot that minor detail X_X
yeah thats ok. i actually made the commit but im going to return to it and PR it either tonight or tomorrow because i'm not done yet
bsherman4mo ago
I got some feed back from travier on the emergency boot target... and i did my own research to try to put a complete picture together... TL;DR I think we should do this in ublue, and I'll also try to push it upstream, but they will probably have a pissing match about security theater (they: just meaning lots of Fedora peoples in general, not meaning travier or cgwalters, specifically) @Noel i think i have an idea on how to make this single/emergency/rescue boot mode work safely it's based on what Timothee and Colin suggested in my ticket if we put a hard override on the filesystem like CoreOS does... we will drop into a non-password protected root shell on a fsck-fail, even if a root password is set that's what Timothee is trying to guard against but Colin suggests a systemd generator I'm pretty sure i can write one of those which inspects the kernel command line and looks for the 3 keywords: emergency, rescue, single if any one is present, this means that the user had access to grub cmdline, so it wasn't password protected, or they knew the password... if so, the generator could dynamically write the SULOGIN_FORCE override ... allowing no password required login and THAT would be worth contributing upstream
Noel4mo ago
that would be excellent! have you tested at all or is it purely theoretical at this point?
bsherman4mo ago
i showed you my comment of testing out the current coreos method i needed to do that to tinker and test the system-generator is only an idea at the moment, but i read the docs and some samples, and it seems very, very doable i'm excited!
Noel4mo ago
that would be sick!
bsherman4mo ago
oh dude i think it's working!
bsherman4mo ago
feat: allow rescue/emergency boot with grub cmdline args by bsherma...
This uses a systemd-generator to dyamically write a drop-in config for the rescue and emergency services only when they are requested via the kernel cmdline, which requires console/grub access. Thi...
bsherman4mo ago
yeah, so... this is what i came up with from the discussion
Override default systemd emergency service behavior with coreos-su-...
In the short term I'd definitely advocate for Fedora and derivatives to carry that change by default and tell anyone making kisoks etc. that they need to disable it. We just chose to carry it i...
bsherman4mo ago
i did add some notes in a comment here for anyone who wants to digin on how this actually works
j0rge4mo ago
this is so cool I didn't even know this existed
bsherman4mo ago
yeah, i didn't know much about any of this 3 weeks ago either ;D
j0rge4mo ago
the systemd generator thing via a kernel arg
bsherman4mo ago
well, a systemd-generator has nothing to do with kernel args in general... but one can READ kernel cmdline from within a generator turns out, coreos has several custom systemd-generator scripts... they were very informative
j0rge4mo ago
yeah, I didn't know there was a rescue state either this is pretty awesome
bsherman4mo ago
rescue state is literally single ... single user mode