How to set a custom public PORT

I'm trying to expose a public port such as PORT 25. From all my tests you can only specify the internal port in the variables. PORT=25 will only expose 25 locally on your service. The public PORT seems to always be random and can only be proxied to the internal port 25. How would you make your service public PORT 25?
3 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: b40050f4-85d6-4a58-ae47-9d9e67a124a6
fijiwebdesign5mo ago
b40050f4-85d6-4a58-ae47-9d9e67a124a6 Service id: 4dab92a1-8a41-4609-a069-66c4931e2352
Adam5mo ago
You cannot force a public port, only an internal port What’s your use case for wanting to set a public one?