Desktop icons for CLI tools crash with error

Trying to launch a desktop icon for a cli tool such as fish or nvtop results in the following error message. Terminal kde-prompt not found while trying to run /usr/share/applications/fish.desktop This can be bypassed by opening konsole first and then typing in the required command to access fish or nvtop but i find the desktop icons more convenient.
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In the meantime, just change your default terminal in KDE settings
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20 Replies
RealDishwash5mo ago
this is a fresh install
HikariKnight5mo ago
what image is this and can you do a cat /usr/share/applications/fish.desktop since i cannot replicate this on my system
RealDishwash5mo ago
just the main bazzite image afaik, here's the output from the command. [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=true # This file is for use in appimages, which rewrite the path. # Other uses would have to replace these with the correct path. Exec=fish Name=fish Comment=The user-friendly command line shell Icon=fish # "Shell" would be the proper category, but it's reserved so we can't use it. Categories=ConsoleOnly;System;
HikariKnight5mo ago
ok i have no idea why it fails for you, let me fire up a VM and check also if you want to do multiline code lines you can do ```language text text text ```
language is optional 🙂
RealDishwash5mo ago
ahh sweet, yeah i'm not great with markdown lol
HikariKnight5mo ago
np, i saw how you did it and dont want you to suffer that again 😄 the language part will give you highlighting for the code, .desktop and .conf files are ini language
RealDishwash5mo ago
i was using bazzite a day or two ago on the same system and fish was working fine then, so i wasn't sure exactly what'd happened
HikariKnight5mo ago
my system image is behind by 24 hours so might be why (normal image doesnt work on my weird hardware so i need to use a custom image) hence why i need to use a VM to test
RealDishwash5mo ago
ahh yeah np any other information or logs you'd want me to collect?
HikariKnight5mo ago
not that i can think of, will see if i can replicate it first before i head out need to just set up the VM first as i havent gotten around to do that, been busy with other things since i joined the team
RealDishwash5mo ago
oh neat, what're you using to virtualise it?
HikariKnight5mo ago
virt-manager its the virtualization suite we support (plus its the one i use as i do some advanced virtualization stuff on my machine)
RealDishwash5mo ago
i gotta check out the documentation for bazzite and ublue more when i get a chance very cool desktop model but it does mean i have to unlearn some stuff i've gotten used to
HikariKnight5mo ago
i will have to get back to this later as rebasing to bazzite is taking ages in my vm and i have to head out
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
This is my fault, we have a big update about to go live and one change slipped through next update will fix it
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
In the meantime, just change your default terminal in KDE settings
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
should be enough to correct this
HikariKnight5mo ago
ah should only affect new installs then right now until the rest arrives
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
rebuilding main right now w/ that corrected
RealDishwash5mo ago
yup switching to konsole from kde-prompt fixed it