My nextjs app crashes after a few hours of deployment

Deploy Crashed! Uh oh. Your deployment for paazaa-ui in publish section crashed within the dev environment. Any suggetsions?
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5 Replies
ogadagidi6mo ago
project-id 6121353f-d4f4-416a-ae78-c03b989be8f8
ytsruh6mo ago
I'm no expert but looks like you're using Cloudflare workers? Seems that worker is replying with an error that is being thrown and you're not handling?
ogadagidi5mo ago
@ytsruh hmm, this is weird, it worked in the past. Let me review. Thank you @ytsruh seems to be working. I don't know why
ytsruh5mo ago
I think your cloudflare workers was just throwing an exception you didn't handle. I'm no CF expert but I think they're quite prone to it. If it catches an exception you should probably have some retry logic in place to re-execute. Glad its work for you though
ogadagidi5mo ago
Thanks a lot @ytsruh