Hi Team, pages build are not getting

Hi Team, pages build are not getting published when when there is AI binding. (After removing Workers AI Bindings, it succeeded)
17:25:14.383 Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network...
17:25:17.327 Parsed 1 valid redirect rule.
17:25:17.328 Parsed 8 valid header rules.
17:25:18.780 Uploading... (859/859)
17:25:18.781 ✨ Success! Uploaded 0 files (859 already uploaded) (0.40 sec)
17:25:19.313 ✨ Upload complete!
17:25:21.546 Success: Assets published!
17:25:22.450 Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: binding AI of type ai failed to generate: [10000]: Authentication error.
17:25:14.383 Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network...
17:25:17.327 Parsed 1 valid redirect rule.
17:25:17.328 Parsed 8 valid header rules.
17:25:18.780 Uploading... (859/859)
17:25:18.781 ✨ Success! Uploaded 0 files (859 already uploaded) (0.40 sec)
17:25:19.313 ✨ Upload complete!
17:25:21.546 Success: Assets published!
17:25:22.450 Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: binding AI of type ai failed to generate: [10000]: Authentication error.
3 Replies
Bhanu Prakash
Bhanu Prakash5mo ago
This worked before, first happend on 11:43AM January 9, 2024 IST
Cyb3r-Jak35mo ago
Can you share deployment IDs of last working and one having errors?
Bhanu Prakash
Bhanu Prakash5mo ago
09-Jan-2024 - Failed - Deployment ID : 2201faa5-9ac3-4c24-ac03-9e76797e3c2b 08-Jan-2024 - Success - Deployment ID : 36a418f1-c924-481a-baff-228c4ab182ff