i wanted to set up this for my friend group https://github.com/mdcfe/spigot-drama-generator

Im new to wrangler and i need some help doing this, i have a cloudflare account setup.
8 Replies
Jax•5mo ago
GitHub - mdcfe/spigot-drama-generator: Spigot Drama Generator: a dr...
Spigot Drama Generator: a drama website, inspired by asiekierka's Minecraft Drama Generator - GitHub - mdcfe/spigot-drama-generator: Spigot Drama Generator: a drama website, inspired by asi...
Cyb3r-Jak3•5mo ago
If you clone the project on GitHub and replace the route and account ID then you should just be able to deploy to your site.
Jax•5mo ago
do you mind explaining more, sorry im lost 😢 🔰
Cyb3r-Jak3•5mo ago
Have you used git before?
Jax•5mo ago
yes i mean cloudflare side like how do i deploy
Cyb3r-Jak3•5mo ago
So once you've clone the repo, in the wrangler.toml file you are going to want to change the account ID to your Cloudflare account ID then when you run wrangler deploy it will create the worker in Cloudflare for you
Jax•5mo ago
Downloading release from https://workers.cloudflare.com/get-npm-wrangler-binary/1.21.0/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl â›” DEPRECATION â›” The version of wrangler you are using is now deprecated. Please update to the latest version of wrangler to prevent critical errors. Run npm uninstall -g @cloudflare/wrangler && npm install -g wrangler to update to the latest version wrangler has been installed! + @cloudflare/wrangler@1.21.0 added 22 packages from 9 contributors in 2.344s DEPRECATED The version of Wrangler you are using is now deprecated. Please update to the latest version of wrangler to prevent critical errors. If originally installed via npm, run npm uninstall -g @cloudflare/wrangler && npm install -g wrangler to update to the latest version. If originally installed via cargo, run cargo uninstall wrangler && npm install -g wrangler Docs migration guide: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/wrangler/migration/migrating-from-wrangler-1/#update-wrangler-version
Migrate from Wrangler v1 to v2 · Cloudflare Workers docs
This guide details how to migrate from Wrangler v1 to v2.
Cyb3r-Jak3•5mo ago
Oh wow that's an old version of wrangler. Follow the guide to migreate to the later versions of wrangler