Railway5mo ago

Daily reset

Hello everyone! Has anyone encountered a situation where deployed apps are deleted daily? I have a Node.js app and a database hosted with the free plan on Railway. It appears that every day around 3 am, this deployment gets deleted, causing inconvenience for my front-end app. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Project ID is 81758b3b-aa42-47ff-91e2-313939a614de
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you’ll be better off upgrading to hobby though, especially since your credits are very near running out
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26 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: 81758b3b-aa42-47ff-91e2-313939a614de
Brody5mo ago
does this still happen when you upgrade to hobby?
Dorian5mo ago
Thank you for your quick response! I haven't upgraded yet, as I'm trying to determine if this issue is due to limitations in the free plan or if there's a problem on my end. Would upgrading potentially resolve this situation?
Fragly5mo ago
I bet you're reaching the max resource usage that the trial plan allows, if that's the case then upgrading would solve the issue mind sharing your metrics?
Dorian5mo ago
Sure ! As you can see,I still have free credits on my account, but I don't know if I reached some CPU, network or memory limitations?
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Fragly5mo ago
that seems fine, could you try sharing the one for your mysql database too?
Dorian5mo ago
Yep, here it is 🙂
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Fragly5mo ago
damn, that's very little memory usage <:mommy_confused:1023749002069540935>
Dorian5mo ago
I don't think having reached any limitation, and don't have this problem on another project btw.. It's a very little app for now 🥺
Fragly5mo ago
You sure your app isn't encountering any errors?
King Jahad
King Jahad5mo ago
Why does it say failed a month ago? you have been redploying it, right?
Dorian5mo ago
As far as I'm aware, my app doesn't encounter any errors. However, both the backend and the database seem to shut down every day at the same time. To address this, I've been redeploying both services every morning as they appear to be 'removed' at 3 AM. Since no one has mentioned a daily removal of deployed apps so far, I assume this might be an issue on my end, correct? 🥲
King Jahad
King Jahad5mo ago
Can you show me the ss of your usage page? Let's see
Dorian5mo ago
Thanks for helping me all of you !
Dorian5mo ago
This page ?
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King Jahad
King Jahad5mo ago
Yeah What my theory is that you have used trial plan for a month and credits got rolled over for some reason and now you need to upgrade because Railway doesn't give two free months trial. I don't know how you are using it before and after 3 AM, I'll leave that to someone who knows more than me about this,
Dorian5mo ago
Oh ! I didn't knew that Railway had a 1 month free trial period 😂 I've been using this service for free for about five months now, I thought everything was based on the credit
King Jahad
King Jahad5mo ago
I think you get 5$ only once
Dorian5mo ago
This could be a solid explanation Yep indeed But I don't think I exceed this credit, but giving a try to the hobby plan could fix my problem
King Jahad
King Jahad5mo ago
Never mind "When you sign up for the free Trial, you will receive a one-time grant of $5 in credits that you can use to try out Railway. The credits will be applied towards any usage on the platform and do not expire. If you upgrade to a plan while you still have a credit balance from the trial, the remaining balance will carry over to your new plan." You should try mailing to billing or something.
Adam5mo ago
There is no period for the trial plan, you are able to use railway for as long as it takes for your credits to run out this is a super odd issue. The deployment crashing at 3am is very likely something to do with your code, as railway should be automatically redeploying your app unless you’ve changed the setting. There is no situation I’m aware of where Railway would be causing your app to crash that consistently or at all, I should clarify Seems like a glitch with your trial plan, I would email billing@railway.app
Adam5mo ago
you’ll be better off upgrading to hobby though, especially since your credits are very near running out
Duchess5mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Adam.
Ray5mo ago
tagging in @fp to take a look.
Faraz5mo ago
Hmm, looks like the user has upgraded since.
Adam5mo ago
glad to hear it, marking as solved