RPM file install

Hi. Hope you can help. I'm looking to install a displaylink-rpm that is no github for making displaylink adaptors work with Linux. This has not been an issue with installing this on my laptop with nobara on. As this is also based on fedora I assumed this would work the same. But once I have downloaded the RPM file I am unable to install it with discovery. Could you please advise how I can go about installing this? Thanks
6 Replies
M25mo ago
Display link is already installed on Bazzite during the build process. For how to install a local rpm: 1. Open a terminal in the location of the rpm. 2. Run rpm-ostree install ./name/of/rpm.rpm 3. Reboot into the deployment.
smallell5mo ago
Sweet. Thanks. I will give that a go.
M25mo ago
But display link is already installed. If you are using secure boot you'll need to enroll the MOK to load the kernel driver.
smallell5mo ago
This is no a steam deck When I plug the dock in. Nothing happens. Do I need to do the enroll with a steam deck?
M25mo ago
Not required since secureboot is disabled by default on the Steam deck.
smallell5mo ago
Ok. I will test again before attempting the manual install. . As I have updates. So I tried this fix but did not work for me. Any idea why steam deck with bazzite does not like the Dell D6000 dock? Is this maybe a known issue?