I can't see any images in twill media library.

Hello, everyone! I have installed twill and tried to upload a image to media library. However, I am not able to see the uploaded image, I have changed the .env file and config/twill.php file so many times according to the prior artcles and discussions. But nothing seems to be working. Please let me know if anyone has any thought or a solution.
ifox125d ago
Hi @devTays if you are on Twill 3 you shouldn't need any env variables changes to have images rendering correctly. But you need to make sure your PHP installation includes the GD driver.
devTays125d ago
Hi, @ifox , thanks for your reply.
ifox125d ago
Check the error in your console's network tab
devTays125d ago
Okay, I will. Intervention\Image\Exception\NotSupportedException: GD Library extension not available with this PHP installation. in file D:\Workspace\CodeDrips\huntalocation-laravel\vendor\intervention\image\src\Intervention\Image\Gd\Driver.php on line 19 it shows this in the response.
ifox125d ago
there you go, exactly what I suspected You need to install the GD extension for PHP (it is enabled by default in most PHP installs)
devTays125d ago
Okay, i will. Thank you! It is working correctly right now. Thank you! ❤️
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