Railway•5mo ago

custom domain taking a long while to issue TLS cert

Possibly unnecessary backstory I have a custom domain up and running for about a week or so. Due to CNAME @ conflicting my transactional email provider's SPF @, I was only able to explicitly add it as www.bandbudgie.com (note the www subdomain). I've since set up my transactional emails to send from a different subdomain. My Issue I've gone back into the service with a domain... and added the bandbudgie.com (no subdomain) as my second domain name on this service. It (seemingly?) hooked up with my namecheap DNS and changed status to "Issuing TLS certificate" (screenshot attached). However it's been like this for a almost 2 days now? I understand that it can take up to 72 hours... but none of my other services had taken this long. In the meantime - I'm getting the scary "Your connection is not private" screens. Also attached is the Certificate Viewer (if that's at all helpful?). For what it's worth - There seems to be a LetsEncrypt cert for Railway issued in December - around the time I was setting up emails. Could this be part of the problem? projectId: 1e4b0651-0174-42a1-aac8-4081f16bb807 Service: brochure
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Could you try removing the custom domain from Railway and removing the CNAME from namecheap and then try readding it?
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5 Replies
Percy•5mo ago
Project ID: 1e4b0651-0174-42a1-aac8-4081f16bb807
yrnsmth•5mo ago
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Fragly•5mo ago
Could you try removing the custom domain from Railway and removing the CNAME from namecheap and then try readding it?
yrnsmth•5mo ago
I think this is exactly what I did in December when playing around with my email DNS. But I'll try again 🙂 Okay, done, just waiting for DNS stuff to happen ...and that did the trick. Thanks for your time (and sorry to clog up your feed with a simple thing)
Fragly•5mo ago
No problem at all, I'm happy to help!! :)