Where i can put setting on PostGres

i want to inset this fuction "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent;" on the database
10 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody5mo ago
run that query on your database with software like dbgate or pgadmin
Luis Kurihara
Luis Kurihara5mo ago
I did this but it's not working i have the same error on res of request
Brody5mo ago
is the unaccent extension something you need to install onto the database?
Luis Kurihara
Luis Kurihara5mo ago
to use this function
Brody5mo ago
im not sure that quite answers my question
Luis Kurihara
Luis Kurihara5mo ago
yes i have to install
Brody5mo ago
does it come standard with every postgres database?
Luis Kurihara
Luis Kurihara5mo ago
no I even installed it, it appears in pgadmin in the 'extensions' section I've already restarted the database but it still hasn't worked, I don't know if I need to do anything else