wrangler dev not exposing port on local network

Hey! With wrangler dev --ip I used to be able to access from my phone connected to the same wifi network. I can access it from the computer on which I started wrangler, but not from my phone... (i can access other ports, if I run a simple web server for example) I tried upgrading/downgrading wrangler version, nothing changed. Am I missing something?
1 Reply
michmich5mo ago
I managed to get back to a working setup by downgrading to wrangler@3.18.0 and use `wrangler dev --ip "" --remote" (added the --remote option). I don't understand how to keep on accessing wrangler dev on my local network with the wrangler@3.19.0 update (https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-sdk/releases/tag/wrangler%403.19.0)
Release wrangler@3.19.0 · cloudflare/workers-sdk
Minor Changes #4547 86c81ff0 Thanks @mrbbot! - fix: listen on IPv4 loopback only by default on Windows Due to a known issue, workerd will only listen on the IPv4 loopback address when i...