Custom domain not working (Status is Inactive (error))

I recently setup a cloudflare app and added a custom domain. everything went well as usual but when i check the domain it seems in error + when going to the page i'm greeted with Connection timed out Error code 522. The domain works. How can i solve this? Never it happened before.
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15 Replies
EnglishRobin5mo ago
I might be having the same problem. I'm getting 522 on my custom pages domain, but I haven't been able to confirm the domain works...
naive175mo ago
Hey thanks @EnglishRobin i've checked your site and it seems like i can resolve your domain as well as your domain
EnglishRobin5mo ago
Thanks - I'm happy to check your site as well if you want to send a link.
naive175mo ago
yes for sure, it's
EnglishRobin5mo ago
Yeah, I'm getting the 522
naive175mo ago
Maybe they are having some problems setting up domains I'll try waiting
EnglishRobin5mo ago
(Ray ID: 847749ade4441b95 for any Cloudflare peeps that end up seeing this message) Best of luck and I hope your issue gets solved. I'm hoping it's just a blip with unfortunate timing, since today was the website launch for me xD
naive175mo ago
Let's hope the same for you as well! For me it's not that bad as there's not so much traffic as of now, btw i'll check your website to know more ❤️
EnglishRobin5mo ago
Chaika5mo ago
The hostname is part of a banned domain. This web property cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time. If you are an Enterprise customer, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Otherwise, please email with the name of the web property and a detailed explanation of your association with this web property.
Unpaid invoices can be a cause of that, worth double checking you haven't partially paid any, otherwise would have to email them
naive175mo ago
Banned domain? aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Probably it's using the wrong Credit card I didn't see any incoming email Let me fix Is there anything i need to do now? I retried adding the domain and it's stuck on initializing, can you help me further?
EnglishRobin5mo ago
I can access the site now
naive175mo ago
Yup, me too Weird i had no warnings in the dashboard and nothing
Chaika5mo ago
yea you're good now, the block is gone. It just needed a second to init Pages uses CF for SaaS under the hood which internally has checks for zone bans and such, but Pages just doesn't show the errors other then showing that it failed to init. It's been an issue for a bit now, they're aware of those edge cases, hopefully one day they simply show you the issue *Pages uses CF for Saas for Custom Domains, that is
naive175mo ago
Thanks for the massive help, i didn't notice the errors, usually we use CF just for pages and we had other paid products linked with a card that we ditched in the company, that's why i was using the wrong one. I'll pay more attention to this kind of things, thank you very much , i'll close the ticket
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