How to maintain node-cron in my NestJS project when setting more replicas

Hi! I have a project deployed in railway in NestJS and it has some cron jobs on it. I was just wondering once I scale in more replicas in a future, how should I treat those cronjobs? Is there any way I can know for example the replica number in an env variable so I can only run the cron on one replica? There's any walkaround rather than doing another service? Thank you πŸ™‚
8 Replies
Percyβ€’5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Percyβ€’5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
alfonsotrocoliβ€’5mo ago
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
a separate single service that runs the cron job is the way to go
alfonsotrocoliβ€’5mo ago
Hmm I guess then if there are some shared modules the only way is to use nestJS microservices in a monorepo or smth like this.. The env thing sound easier haha
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
maybe that way you could even use railways cron scheduler so that there would be zero resources when the task isn't running
alfonsotrocoliβ€’5mo ago
Hmm maybe its a worst option, but for the beginning until separating the services I could have a cron that just calls an endpoint in my service and then it would be done in one of the replicas. Pretty ugly but until we separate services could work
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
well separating the cron service out if definitely the best way to go about this problem!