Railwayβ€’5mo ago

Push to master will put my projects build in "queued" while I'm in pro plan

I have 30+ project on Railway, all pointing to the same repo. and setup to trigger build on push to master. When I push to master all the projects build is set to queued while I'm in pro-plan...
21 Replies
Percyβ€’5mo ago
Project ID: 717da2a9-71e6-45c5-a27b-39a0668acd6c
Gizmorβ€’5mo ago
717da2a9-71e6-45c5-a27b-39a0668acd6c Project ID: 717da2a9-71e6-45c5-a27b-39a0668acd6c
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
i dont even think the pro plan lets you run 30+ concurrent builds whats the usecase?
Gizmorβ€’5mo ago
I wrote my usecase on the description On the Pricing page pro has this: "Unlimited concurrent builds"
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
im sorry but your description does not describe a use case, either way, the concurrent build limit is 10 on the pro plan https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/921233523719946260/1177723447967744040
Gizmorβ€’5mo ago
Why does is say "Unlimited concurrent builds" on the Pricing page?
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
that information was not updated i will let the team know about the outdated information
Gizmorβ€’5mo ago
That's disappointing, I signed up for Pro while I see the pricing page and, I was miss lead... I actually think that this is illegal to promote something, while not providing it after I did the purchase.
Pepijnβ€’5mo ago
I agree with @Gizmor, disappointing to read this
Fraglyβ€’5mo ago
Out of curiosity, what is your use-case with having more than 10 concurrent builds?
Gizmorβ€’5mo ago
I have 30+ projects that point to the same repo. Each with its own configuration and db. I want them separated. So the push to master should trigger all the builds
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
right, but thats more of an overview of why you need 30+ concurrent builds, not so much of a use case, like what are these 30+ apps you are building
Pepijnβ€’5mo ago
Why not provide what is offered on the pricing page? If you think there are no use cases where 30+ concurrent builds are needed, then hell why did you even cap it to 10?
Duchessβ€’5mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Adam.
kmskrishnaβ€’5mo ago
Because I am from cyber security background the first thought that came to my mind is crypto mining. πŸ˜… since builds are free miners can use them to run longer builds and make money.
Brodyβ€’5mo ago
we can't make any assumptions
Gizmorβ€’5mo ago
What's not clear? I have a project that's used by 30 customers, each with its own server, database and configurations. Why is that not realistic? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? and no, I don't want them to have the same database/server
Adamβ€’5mo ago
You have 30 instances of one project that each require a separate server and database? Sounds like they're independent then. That doesn't sound like a use case for 30+ concurrent builds. One can upgrade independently of the rest and have no issues I understand that there was some misrepresentation on Railway's end about the number of builds that can be queued at a time, but I don't see how the limitation impacts you.
thomasβ€’5mo ago
Yeah, we need to update the pricing page to reflect this limit. However, your use case will still work. It will just build 10 of your projects at a time. By the way, you would save a lot of money by just putting all your Client sites behind a reverse proxy and integrating clients into your code. However, I get that by doing things the way you are doing things you don't risk crossing over client data.
Linearβ€’5mo ago
Issue LOG-1318 created.
LOG-1318 - Update the pricing page to reflect that teams don't have unlimited concurrent builds
We currently limit users to 10 builds on the team plan; we advertise unlimited. The linked discord thread called us out on it. We should just delete the line IMO.
thomasβ€’5mo ago
Some people did this when we had more generous free plans. It's... really obvious. Platform stability across the regions is the general answer to this. If we let you build 400 builds at once what exactly do you think would happen to our build times? We do scale builders to usage but not that rapidly. If you are unhappy with your upgrade I am happy to refund you.
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