error: Packages not found: lazygit

I thought whenever "sudo apt-get install" is used in a tutorial, I could just swap in "sudo rpm-ostree install". Now it's not there, what's the next step, or is it genuinely an error?
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8 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
apt-get is for debian/ubuntu packages aren't always available or named the same between distros you could create an ubuntu distrobox and then use apt-get install lazygit in there or check if fedora has a similar package under another name
Harri5mo ago
Thank you, I'll look and if I can't find another name I'll use distrobox thanks
Harri5mo ago
So I can just use the Fedora commands? If that's the same for Bazzite?
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1/4 Life
1/4 Life5mo ago
copr would work, rpm-ostree is a tool of last resort though so I would still try the distrobox first
Harri5mo ago
ohhhh, I've installed everything I can via rpm-ostree first, I'll use distrobox first in future?
Harri5mo ago
It supports so many, but I don't see Blue or Bazzite, so I don't know which to use, if it's obvious I'll use that but I'll use distrobox if not
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Geechan5mo ago
Think of it like this: Rpm-ostree layers the stuff you install on top of the base Bazzite image, so it will always need to be re-added on any update. If you have many packages installed this way, it will take a significant amount of time to do so, and also potentially take away from the stability of the system. By using distrobox and flatpaks for as much software as you possibly can, you effectively isolate it from the image and so it won't interfere with anything. There's a few things I layer that wouldn't function well in a distrobox - think VPN software, system-wide libraries and APIs, VMs, etc.
RealDishwash5mo ago
Think of ublue and bazzite as layers on top of fedora You can use rpm-ostree to layer packages that are in the fedora repos Distrobox allows you to run another distro within a container while still being tightly integrated with your host system An option for you could be to create an arch distrobox and running your package within that.
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