Account Suspended! This was the appeal I sent in after suspension. Do I have a chance?

"A couple months ago I released a video of me playing a sex game. It was the first sex game on my channel and it did show explicit content. Since it was my first sex game I was new to the rules correlating with YouTube when uploading it but video was not blocked or removed, only age restricted which I understand. Today I released another sex game upload of similar, if not the same explicit content and it was instead blocked and removed. This confused me since my first sex game upload months before was not removed or blocked only age restricted. I went over the terms and conditions/policy /guidelines regarding sex games/videos I can see how it may have been removed or blocked. The only reason I uploaded another sex game in the first place is cause the first got great views and feedback from my fans but I don't want to violate terms/policy so I will not do this anymore. I would like my channel back so I can continue uploading great content that is family friendly and follows guidelines"
6 Replies
4DC5mo ago
Afrodo5mo ago
Probably not. Your appeal is mostly "You didn't catch me the first time so I thought it was fine the second time." Youtube makes you agree to terms and service before you start to upload, so as far as they're concerned, it's on you for not realizing the first video was against it, not them for failing to notice it.
maxrich43415mo ago
oH!! probaly the first video was still under review, hence they did not removed it initially.
But how is that my fault that I don't know it just "slipped under the radar"? If I think the first video is fine, as a content creator I'm clearly gonna think it wasn't too explicit for me to upload a video of the same content. For them to suspend me immediately after trying to upload the send one is pretty harsh. Yea, they don't care that it’s harsh but jeez.... Is there anything I can do besides this appeal?
Afrodo5mo ago
Because, by their logic, you should have known in the first place that your video was gainst the rules. In the same way you're asking how you're supposed to know if they did do anything, how are they supposed to know it was an accident and not someone thinking they found a way around the rules?
DukDolan5mo ago
yeah its probably not going to work just gonna be real you clearly broke tos, which you should’ve known