Setting favicon in browser?

I am having trouble setting a custom favicon to display in the browser. Following the tutorial on asset files (, I have a directory called assets in my app repository which contains the icon favicon.png. It also has a custom.css file, which doesn't seem to be loading, either. My assumption is when running Solara server, these files would be automatically noticed and override defaults, but maybe I'm misunderstanding something. Any suggestions? Thanks!
2 Replies
MaartenBreddels5mo ago
Yes, that should work, if this is not working, maybe your directory layout is not as expected, make sure your assets are in ../assets/
cr33pyguy5mo ago
I will take a better look at this tomorrow, but I wasn't able to get this working quickly today either Probably it is as @MaartenBreddels said. The assets folder should be a directory above the app you are running.