Error on SetVariable as a number

When I try sent a variable with a number I got a return of a wrong value:
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3 Replies
Baptiste5mo ago
Thank you for the report! I'll see how I can fix this To explain what's up here: In JavaScript, when a number starts with a leading zero (0), it is interpreted as an octal (base-8) number. In octal representation, the digits range from 0 to 7. Therefore, any digit in an octal number that is greater than or equal to 8 would be invalid. In this case, the digit 8 in the number 03305273127 makes it an invalid octal number. JavaScript automatically converts invalid octal numbers to decimal (base-10) numbers. So, 03305273127 is treated as a decimal number and is evaluated to 454391383. I just pushed a fix (available in 10 min). Thank you again for the report!
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Unknown User5mo ago
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Michaelvips5mo ago
is a good alternative 👍🏻 , but I test today and already is fixed the error.