We need A Team in ASIA SERVER

We need A Team in ASIA SERVER We are 2 player ( ASSAULTERS) Experience (3 years and 2 yeras) ACHIEVEMENTS:- OFFICIAL:- BGIS ROUND 2 UNOFFICIAL:- 100k finals ,50k finals, 50k semifinal and many 20k and 10 k DEVICE: both have IOS Playing time :- whole day NEED : 1.IGL AND ENTRY FRAGGER 2. PAID CUSTOMS AND T2 and T3 SERVER (ASIA)
4 Replies
Zuelle5mo ago
Hi, @unixgaming. :4227bearpumpkin2: This is unfortunately not the proper channel to post this. Please feel free to access #clans instead.
2s0.5mo ago
@Zobel hey can you answer my question there?
Zuelle5mo ago
Hi, @2s0.. :kirbydance: I'll get back on you once I gather information. Hehe.
2s0.5mo ago
@Zobel okay