Unable to access CHATGPT even I am a Paid Member

I just installed a new Internet connection at my office, but when I try to open ChatGPT I am getting this error Unable to load site Please try again later. If you are using a VPN, try turning it off. Check the status page for information on outages. [IP: | Ray ID:84b961a9aab321ea]
4 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak35mo ago
That’s a ChatGPT issue. You will have to contact them for support.
Hammad Rabadia
Hammad Rabadia5mo ago
Ray ID is comming from Cloudflare? no?
Cyb3r-Jak35mo ago
ChatGPT uses Cloudflare, if you pass the ray-id on to ChatGPT then they’ll be able to find you were blocked. This is not something the community or Cloudflare is able to help with.
Hammad Rabadia
Hammad Rabadia5mo ago
Okay Thanks 🙂