server change mistake #questions

I accidentally changed my server without knowing it changes my whole rank and doesn’t let me play with my friends what should I do? #questions
8 Replies
Zuelle5mo ago
Hey there, @☻. There is a confirmation message that appears before pushing through changing your account's server. There is no other way but to let for the cool down. Please be extra careful next time. :4227bearpumpkin2:
5mo ago
ahh alright, but does it affect my rank when I change back? cause I play with my friends that are on eu servers and I’m on na and I’m a diamond on all ranks for North America, and right now on eu my rank is gold 4
Zuelle5mo ago
5mo ago
Really? How so may u please explain Sorry just confused
Zuelle5mo ago
This is implemented to keep a fair gaming environment for everyone. :uwuCat:
5mo ago
I’m just lost that’s all how does it affect my rank just wondering I just hit gold 4 today for quads on European servers and on North America I’m diamond two How does it affect it tho when I switch back But I understand
Piston5mo ago
Each player has different ranks in different servers. If you switch back to your original server, your rank will switch back to that server’s rank, @☻.
5mo ago
Ahh alright