Tunnel + EdgeDB

I'm trying to set up a Cloudflare Tunnel to an EdgeDB instance I have running locally on a VM Ubuntu. I've managed to get the alive check working https://domain.com/server/status/alive but I just can't seem to find a way to make the actual database connection work. I have pretty much tried every configuration possible on Cloudflare. The EdgeDB works when connecting directly with the IP, so that should be fine. I have No TLS Verify checked which made the alive check alive. Any tips what to try next? Or is this something that is possibly not possible? In EdgeDB configuration I've tried all the open Cloudflare ports mentioned here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/reference/network-ports/
Network ports · Cloudflare Fundamentals docs
Learn which network ports Cloudflare proxies by default and how to enable Cloudflare’s proxy for additional ports.
4 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak35mo ago
Is your EdgeDB configured to use TCP or HTTP?
Hellojere5mo ago
I'm running the default config, which seems to be TCP I keep getting ClientConnectionFailedError: The server doesn't support the edgedb-binary protocol when trying to access over the tunnel
Cyb3r-Jak35mo ago
Arbitrary TCP · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Cloudflare Access provides a mechanism for end users to authenticate with their single sign-on (SSO) provider and connect to resources over arbitrary …
Hellojere5mo ago
Ok, thanks for the help!