How to ignore Environment Variable changes cross Environment

If I use Railway environments for a staging and production environment, I can push to a branch to trigger a staging build and then when I "Sync" the production changes it should take my code changes and deploy them to the production environment right? That's awesome, however the issue I'm facing (perhaps someone can help me), is that if I have a set of environment variables in staging and a different set (e.g. a Stripe configuration) in production, whenever I click Sync on production, it tries to copy the environment variables from stage to production, but that makes no sense to me because environment variables are just that, "environment" variables. Is there a way to disable it taking the environment variables across?
2 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: bc4fc5de-dd2d-451e-8738-8575a0a0586d
markbarrett5mo ago