website getting ddosed?

hi, my website is facing 502 http error from a very long time (6 hours), its a pterodactyl panel, and the nginx error log shows something like connect() to unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)... the thing is we are thinking its a ddos and have also enabled waf from cloudflare and blocked every country except India yet the website is down, is it really a ddos?
54 Replies
debargha5mo ago
also this happened all of a sudden, everything was working fine
Chaika5mo ago
To check if it's a DDoS, I would check: 1. your server's cpu usage/network 2. the overview graph in cloudflare for your site 3. Security -> Events for the number of events/requested blocked do you use Cloudflare Tunnels at all or no? Another common source of bad gateway if misconfigured
debargha5mo ago
not using tunnel, but it is proxied, thinking to tunnel it
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debargha5mo ago
under attack mode is also active
Chaika5mo ago
I would make sure they're not going around Cloudflare as well, only allow Cf IPs to ports 443/80 (assuming you're using default) also
debargha5mo ago
and this is the bandwidth
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debargha5mo ago
in the skip waf?
Chaika5mo ago
Allow Cloudflare IP addresses · Cloudflare Fundamentals docs
Because of how Cloudflare works, all traffic to proxied DNS records pass through Cloudflare before reaching your origin server. This means that your …
Chaika5mo ago
that's way more use then Cloudflare shows. I assume you're running actual gameservers on that machine too, right?
debargha5mo ago
yes, currently only minecraft okay let me check
debargha5mo ago
do i have to follow these for each of the ips in the list?
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Chaika5mo ago
if you use a specific firewall already like ufw there's scripts out there as well, ex;
GitHub - Paul-Reed/cloudflare-ufw: Script to update UFW with Cloudf...
Script to update UFW with Cloudflare IPs. Contribute to Paul-Reed/cloudflare-ufw development by creating an account on GitHub.
Chaika5mo ago
just be careful to not block everything/yourself out
debargha5mo ago
i did this, also tunnelled the panel, yet its 502 this time its a little better at least the page opens and then again goes 502 and same going on
debargha5mo ago
also, is this not for free? im not able to see it
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debargha5mo ago
Chaika5mo ago
you only have events for free, not the graph still helpful to look over those and see if you can't identify a pattern possible on your origin as well your setup isn't optimized well/could be changed to handle requests better your description sounds like its just overloading it. Possible you have some limits you can raise, depends on your config
debargha5mo ago
btw this isnt any problem right?
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Chaika5mo ago
I'm no linux expert but I don't see anything problemsome there. It's normal and expected for those /dev/loop | snap devices to be 100% full
debargha5mo ago
ok, can u tell me a way to fix this issue completely its down for like 9 hours now NotLikeThis the ddos seems to be out from india so I blocked every country yet its down coz the event doesnt show anything else
Chaika5mo ago
I can't help much with the pterdaoctyl side of things, you have basically two options: Try to block more requests/identify a pattern you can block Increase origin resources/fix config to serve better
Chaika5mo ago
If you google your error you can find some interesting info for how you can better configure your php fm pool:
Server Fault
php-fpm.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while co...
I am stacked with following errors on my site when I test 200 hits per second. First I received 499 errors 2017-04-09 03:22:45 Error 499 GET / HTTP/1.1 0 nginx access
debargha5mo ago
did, still the same... i even blocked every ip except mine still not up is it even ddos at this point nvm it turned out to be a hardware issue which the vps provider didnt check properly thanks for the help
Chaika5mo ago
there was def a spike in the request graph you showed though
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Chaika5mo ago
perhaps it just revealed the underlying issue
debargha5mo ago
but most of them was also blocked and when the ddos stopped the website still didnt come online coz i actually blocked every ip except mine lol
Chaika5mo ago
I wouldn't be surpised if one caused the other, if the issue was heating or something, if you have never had that issue before and it started with the ddos seems too much to just be bad timing. There was posts about that issue mentioning the same, prob that either requests were stll queued or still consuming resources anyway you secured your origin as well and know how to protect yourself in the future, good thing to do anyway
debargha5mo ago
the minecraft servers were running fine too, thats what makes it more confusing maybe only error in http and not tcp ? can it happen?
Chaika5mo ago
I don't see how that would be a hardware issue related though
debargha5mo ago
hmm, btw the nginx error logs showed like having trouble connecting to php-fpm socket the version was matching too like resource temporary unavailable
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
Have you tried restarting the fpm socket? Because if the fpm is down then you will get a bad gateway error back
debargha5mo ago
yes obv i did, i even restarted the vps
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
Is the socket even active?
debargha5mo ago
yes it was active like there were no errors in the status only the nginx had error connecing to the socket and my cpu was stuck at 66%
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
<:0010shiba_think:938055335397191690> Try to add a secondary socket as a fallback thats how I would do it then
debargha5mo ago
how to? andd what secondary socket? like the same or some diff?
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
A different one a version lower or higher
debargha5mo ago
i can use two php at th same time?
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
Not the same versions but two different versions
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
error_page 502 = @fallback;

location @fallback {
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
error_page 502 = @fallback;

location @fallback {
I guess I've not tested it
debargha5mo ago
so in port 9000 some diff version is running?
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
Thats your Website port or wait idk never did something like that <:AYS_WobblesLaugh:845570950212878366>
debargha5mo ago
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
fastcgi_pass is just the path to your php fpm socket it can be the hostname but dont need to I guess
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
But yea its possible to have multiple php sockets active as long as they are different versions
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debargha5mo ago
but will the software support it?
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
Idk which php versions ptero supports tbh
debargha5mo ago
doc says 8.1 support says it too
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
GammaSweat 8.1
debargha5mo ago
Akama Aka @ DoKomi
isnt 8.1 out of support
debargha5mo ago
uh wot idk i guess whatever
Akama Aka @ DoKomi Nvmd security support is still ongoing