Railway5mo ago

.Inquiry Regarding Hobby Plan Features and Billing

Dear Railway Team, I trust this message finds you well. I am Mohamad, and I am considering purchasing the Hobby plan for hosting my Node.js application on Railway. Before proceeding, I have a few specific questions that I hope you can provide clarification on: WebSocket Support: Does the Hobby plan include support for WebSockets in my Node.js application? HTTP Request Limits: Are there any limitations on the number of monthly HTTP requests? Server Sleep Mode: Could you clarify whether the server enters an inactive or sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity? If so, how does the server behave when it wakes up? Connection Speed with Client Sockets: How quickly does the server reconnect with client sockets Subscription Payments: Regarding the subscription process, if I pay $5 each month, will my server continue running seamlessly? If a payment is missed for a month, does the subscription terminate, causing my server to shut down? Billing Process: Is the payment automated on a monthly basis, or do users have the flexibility to manually manage payment schedules? I appreciate your time in addressing these inquiries. Your assistance will help me make an informed decision about using Railway for my application hosting needs
WebSocket Support: yes, Railway supports websockets HTTP Request Limits: as long as your app can handle it, then Railway can too Server Sleep Mode: if sleep mode is enabled, then it'll sleep after 10 minutes of no outbound network traffic, and will wake up after receiving traffic, I recommend you read the docs here: https://docs.railway.app/reference/app-sleeping...
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23 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Fragly5mo ago
WebSocket Support: yes, Railway supports websockets HTTP Request Limits: as long as your app can handle it, then Railway can too Server Sleep Mode: if sleep mode is enabled, then it'll sleep after 10 minutes of no outbound network traffic, and will wake up after receiving traffic, I recommend you read the docs here: https://docs.railway.app/reference/app-sleeping Connection Speed with Client Sockets: Haven't tested it myself, so I'm not sure Subscription Payments: you pay 5 dollars a month for the hobby plan and then subsequent usage ( first 5 dollars of usage is free though ), as long as you pay - your apps will continue to run, there is a grace period for when you miss payments but your app will eventually be removed if you don't pay Billing Process: Your billing is automated on a monthly basis, but there is also an option for a credit based plan. Then you can choose when to top up your account with credits whenever you want, although monthly billing is recommended
Hamude5mo ago
Thank you! I have one more question. I'm having trouble understanding what is meant by the sections 'Usage Pricing' and 'Usage Estimation' on [https://railway.app/pricing]. Could you please provide some clarification?
Fragly5mo ago
Usage Pricing tells you exactly how much each resource costs Usage Estimation just gives you a very very rough estimation of what different types of apps will cost when hosted on Railway
Hamude5mo ago
This mean I have to pay more than 5$ when I buy the hobby plan?
Fragly5mo ago
not necessarily if you app uses less than 5 dollars of usage a month then you only pay 5 dollars a month, since the first 5 dollars of usage is free
Hamude5mo ago
How do I deploy my project when Code deployments disallowed, because I am at free trial?
Fragly5mo ago
You're likely on Limited Trial, you get a Limited Trial when Railway couldn't verify the integrity of your Github account ( usually happens when your github account is new or inactive ) There's no workaround to this unfortunately, you'll need to upgrade to hobby plan to deploy code on Railway
Hamude5mo ago
The hobby plan includes 8 GB RAM / 8 vCPU per Service mean this when I my application now for example use more then 8GB ram and 8vCPU then I have to pay for each memory 10$ Memory $ 10 Per GB / month $0.000231 / GB / minute Sorry for this question. But I am new at deployment stuff and I want to know how exactly works
Fragly5mo ago
No no, you pay for all resources your app uses the 8Gb RAM and 8 vCPU you're speaking of if the max amount allowed per service on the hobby plan it means your app can't exceed that amount of resource usage
Hamude5mo ago
Could you please provide a brief overview of how the Hobby Plan works? I'd like to understand what happens when I start using the Hobby Plan, particularly in terms of handling HTTP requests. It would be helpful if you could use a full-stack app example to illustrate the process. If you have time of course
Fragly5mo ago
When you're on Hobby Plan, you can click the "Deploy" button, then select your github repo from a list of repos from your github account then Railway will automatically build an image for your app and run it for you It'll work exactly the same as if you were to host it anywhere else, Railway basically just deploys your app into a docker container and then proxies requests to that container ( of course they do a TON of other stuff in the background too )
particularly in terms of handling HTTP requests
Your app would be the one handling HTTP requests, so that would depend on your app, Railway's just responsible for getting those HTTP requests to your app
Hamude5mo ago
Do you know vercel?
Fragly5mo ago
I know of Vercel but I haven't used it myself, why do you ask?
Hamude5mo ago
So some hostinger services have api call limit does vercel have it´?
Fragly5mo ago
Not sure if Vercel has any api call limits since I've never used Vercel before
Hamude5mo ago
what is Artifacts: Description Limit Duration (Seconds) Scope Artifacts requests per minute (Free). 100 60 owner Its mean ajax call so api call?
Fragly5mo ago
I'm not quite sure what you're asking me are you asking if Railway has API call limits in deployed services?
Hamude5mo ago
I mean that Artifacts requests === api call?
Fragly5mo ago
From what I can tell Artifacts Requests is a thing in Vercel I can't really answer any questions about Vercel, I don't use Vercel and this is a Railway help thread
Hamude5mo ago
No problem, I just wanted to know what means the word Artifacts😀
Fragly5mo ago
Might want to ask questions about Vercel in a Vercel community happy to help if you have any questions about Railway though :)
Hamude5mo ago
Thank you very much!