
For some reason my gyro isn’t working at all. I tried restarting and turning it off
24 Replies
Shadow95285mo ago
@Moderator any ideas?
HockeyRup5mo ago
You might need to give some more details. Was it working before, for example until the new patch was released? What's your device? Can you test the gyroscope using device diagnostics?
Shadow95285mo ago
Gyro has been working yes, I haven’t played without in years. I tested the sensor using the “measure” app and my device is fine. I play on a iPhone 13, and the gyro was working for me 12 hours ago. Not sure when the new patch was
HockeyRup5mo ago
I meant the 3.0 release, so it's not that. You could try a routine repair of the game - log out and then hit repair on the login screen. That should pick up corruption of the game client. You can do a quick search for gyro tests for the phone, either through settings or downloading an app to check out if it's working elsewhere.
Shadow95285mo ago
Yeah really not sure rn, I tried the routine repair and it didn’t do anything. And I have tested my gyro and it’s working fine on my phone just not on PUBG
OGGY5mo ago
Moderator role mention is reserved for emergencies only like spamming raids and other things. If you require assistance please wait patiently after posting it here. :PeepoBlush:
Shadow95285mo ago
No offense gang but I don’t really need you mentioning me to say that. I asked for help and pinged a role that’s in a position to help. If you’re going to type in a support channel either help or don’t micro manage
OGGY5mo ago
Go through #guidelines no offence taken. And for your problem try restarting the devices happens a lot on iOS.
Shadow95285mo ago
I get it bro, it’s just if none of these mods said anything I was surprised you did
OGGY5mo ago
Mods usually do. If they didn’t it doesn’t mean this is alright to do. I hope you don’t get offended.
Shadow95285mo ago
Nah bro you cool, and I just tried exactly what you said. It worked, kind of surprised restarting the device would fix it. Maybe somehow the connection for phones gyro sensor to PUBG had a problem. Yeah and my bad I was told that mods were the only role that can provide actual support
OGGY5mo ago
It happens often in iOS. I am glad I was any of your help :PeepoBlush:
Shadow95285mo ago
You the real mod :froggie_sip:
OGGY5mo ago
Mods are official support. Members having information about the game also helps around usually. Mods only respond to issue if no member has assisted or given false information. :PeepoBlush: :laugh: nah just trying to help people as much as possible
Shadow95285mo ago
But mods aren’t really trained on any level though correct? Basically still just random discord mods?
OGGY5mo ago
Senior members having clean moderation record and good game information and great contributions in the server
Shadow95285mo ago
Interesting You a good helper then bro
OGGY5mo ago
:PeepoBlush: thank you
Shadow95285mo ago
Maybe we’ll get that Bentley :catok:
OGGY5mo ago
Next time when someone tell you to abide by the guidelines don’t say what you said to me :pubgm_kappa: :laugh: Maybe :pubgm_kappa: if I like it and if it comes ingame it was unofficial leak that I don’t trust
Shadow95285mo ago
I was pretty aggravated with this gyro Game is kind of bad without gyro
OGGY5mo ago
Yes. I had this issue like in the middle of game notifications come and clicked I switch to game and gyro going boom not working or moving up slowly. Restarting the device always fixed
Shadow95285mo ago
Actually should’ve tried that sooner but didn’t even think that would be the case
OGGY5mo ago
iOS what can we say :pubgm_kappa: