Taking the summer semester

My friend recently told me that it's possible to take the summer semester even if I started in fall, basically have 3 semesters in a row with no break. Is that possible? Can I just take all 6 semesters of CPA without any major breaks?
42 Replies
j5mo ago
shmerg5mo ago
Yes to all
muscle aggregator 82
Seneca speed run any%
Mamuchi5mo ago
thats actually a good idea ahah
xhos5mo ago
speedrun of seneca it is then who needs breaks
j5mo ago
Nah he’s built different
Mamuchi5mo ago
i kinda wanna do that aswell but i dont think my mental is built like that
Mamuchi5mo ago
this is literally me
No description
j5mo ago
how does it limit the window to get co-ops nvm I see what you mean
xhos5mo ago
to not spend like extra 20k on living expenses while I study and to not work a shitty job during summer to somehow justify my presence here in canada as an international student. and what do you mean by "limiting the window you have to get co-ops", it still a semester either way, isn't it? I guess you are right, its just that the load even in the second semester is so low that I just figured why not just continue over summer doing personal projects in the huge amount of free time I have Anyways, guess I'll just have to suffer then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shiki5mo ago
Yeah, it’s ideal to start using Summer as an opportunity to do what hesher listed above Don’t make the same mistake as I did
j4mo ago
Do you have to find a coop before the end your semester? Or would they let you take next semester off and you just keep searching and when you find one, do a placement for your 4th semester going back? I'm a bit confused Yeah that’s basically what I’m curious about
hesher4mo ago
Or something like that, maybe that’s extreme but ya
j4mo ago
So there’s no repercussions if you’re unable to get a coop during this semester right
hesher4mo ago
No But maybe someone else could chime in Anyone can learn what we do via self learning but companies won’t hire self taught ppl for internships etc
j4mo ago
Valid. I think I’ll do the same thing as you
hesher4mo ago
And this is coming from someone who made sure to get at least 90%+ in my courses But rn it’s not my focus
j4mo ago
Basically if you go to 4th sem right after 3rd, you’re locking yourself in to have to get a coop during 3rd sem and potentially losing a chance at getting one. Got ittttt
hesher4mo ago
j4mo ago
You’re confident you can still have 3.0 gpa by the end of the sem to stay in the wil stream right I think I heard someone landed a coop but they weren’t allowed to do it cause they had a 2.9 by the end of sem 3 lol tragic 👍
hesher4mo ago
That is crazy to hear but unless nepotism or prior experience I find it hard to believe tbh Idc what anyone says, GPA is a direct correlation to the effort you put into something, anything else is cope
j4mo ago
smb4mo ago
How’s the search going? Did you land any interviews yet? I’m in 3rd sem too and it’s god awful
hesher4mo ago
I just started the process a couple weeks ago, it’s too early to tell ATM but I’ve applied to around 42 jobs so far Only time will tell Not looking optimistic, too many TikTok’s of people getting laid off n stuff lol
smb4mo ago
My tiktok and insta feed page is getting on my nerves literally everything is about interviews and job applications and resumes
hesher4mo ago
But I truly believe I have a solid resume and application and stuff so all I know is I’m putting my best foot forward and that anything outside of my control is just out of my control People keep saying to network which is valid but it’s also a lot of work to do that on top of everything else rn Maybe in the summer it will be my main focus
smb4mo ago
Fr and I’m at the markham campus so networking is basically non-existent
hesher4mo ago
Ngl I knew someone from there and idk what happened to him but we were pretty tight, he fell off last sem and went rogue, he kept telling me how bad that campus was, maybe he said fk it lol Smart dude tho
smb4mo ago
Not many students here care about their career imo, they’re mainly focused on getting more hours at their part time job and being eligible for permanent residency
hesher4mo ago
Ya that’s a diff issue that is too political for me to get into unfortunately lol
smb4mo ago
Yea I get it Also I had a question Do recruiters really care about your LinkedIn and GitHub? ^ Are you keeping track of all the jobs you’re applying to? Im just freestyling lmao
hesher4mo ago
Ya I keep a spreadsheet
smb4mo ago
Ohh cool
hesher4mo ago
Which were rejections but I expected it, they were a reach
smb4mo ago
Yeah but honestly I’d rather take a rejection than being ghosted Yeah same Either ways great talking to you and best of luck with your internship search!!
hesher4mo ago
Just to see what it’s like But ya gl to you as well
smb4mo ago
Sounds oddly sexual but I’ll think about it
muscle aggregator 82
This only applies to normies. If you network with the right people you will get blessed regardless Yall need to get out there and meet some important ppl The LinkedIn/Indeed rat race goes nowhere. I'm speaking from experience. All it takes is one person to get you in. The job boards are a road to nowhere
Toffee4mo ago
Do you have any side projects? And what projects have you done on your free time, if you dont mind me asking. What do you have that made your CV solid and how did you achieve it? Sorry if you already mentioned it, I havent seen ur previous messages.
j4mo ago
muscle aggregator 82
Let's see the resume
j4mo ago
I’m at the coop information session and I asked Mary if you have to be an active academic student while having secured a coop. asked her if she would deny if you get an offer while being on a break from studying, she said yeah Unless you meant like take time off and find an internship yourself but it’s not approved by Seneca WIL? @hesher