Railway5mo ago

Can we determine the sequence of deployments?

I'm using Turborepo and I want to make sure my backend is deployed before my frontend, pushing to the repo will kick of both services to deploy at the same time. Is there any way to configure this?
16 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody5mo ago
there unfortunately isn't
Sid5mo ago
Are there any workarounds? guessing this is a common issue If not i'll have to disable automatic deploys and manually connect and disconnect with each deployment
Brody5mo ago
maybe this can help you after all https://bookmarklets.up.railway.app/service-redeploy/ though you do need a connected branch
Sid5mo ago
Yeah I don't think that would work in my case
Brody5mo ago
yeah doesnt seem like it
Sid5mo ago
Is it possible to trigger a deployment via an API? Seems weird that they claim to support monorepos without allowing for sequential deployments or some kind of work around the /health path with retries may be an option as well
Brody5mo ago
Is it possible to trigger a deployment via an API?
yes, thats what the bookmarklet does, you need a branch or else railway isnt going to know what branch to pull the code from
Sid5mo ago
Ah yeah, only works for connected branches so doesn't help
Brody5mo ago
Sid5mo ago
Just looking through the API and there doesn't seem to be any way of manually triggering a deploy I'll have to switch to deploy from an image instead and use CI actions to control when they are pushed to the repo, seems pretty wild they don't have this already... i'll make a feature request like you said
Brody5mo ago
sounds good! @Sid please stop opening old threads
Sid5mo ago
Just asking for people that asked for the feature to comment / upvote the feature request.
Brody5mo ago
let's not do that please, some of those where 2 years old and someone had people who aren't here anymore
Sid5mo ago
They may be old but they are still referenced by people searching for issues they are facing
Brody5mo ago
thank you for understanding
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