Getting cors errors for a next js frontend

I'm getting CORS errors for my medusa nextjs frontend that I can't reproduce locally, and not even when logging in to the railway service with tailscale ssh and manually starting the nodejs service, with a regular "yarn dev" (while sshed to the tailgate service). The codebase I'm deploying a medusa (nodejs) backend to railway [] The storefront (frontend) - were I get the errors Two images with the cors errors Project-id: e99db810-c510-413c-82fc-f6033e7292f5
2 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: e99db810-c510-413c-82fc-f6033e7292f5
theflashjames5mo ago
project ID: e99db810-c510-413c-82fc-f6033e7292f5 solved, feel free to close