Next.js slow builds

Builds are taking forever, like 10+ min for a simple Next.js app that would be <90 seconds on Vercel. Any idea why? Even without caching it shouldn't be this slow. It's in a monorepo, no config. Build command (set in UI): npm run build --workspace packages/frontend Start command (set in UI): npm run start --workspace packages/frontend auto gen toml from the config of latest build
builder = "NIXPACKS"
buildCommand = "npm run build --workspace packages/frontend"
watchPatterns = ["/packages/frontend/**"]

numReplicas = 1
startCommand = "npm run start --workspace packages/frontend"
sleepApplication = false
restartPolicyType = "ON_FAILURE"
restartPolicyMaxRetries = 10
builder = "NIXPACKS"
buildCommand = "npm run build --workspace packages/frontend"
watchPatterns = ["/packages/frontend/**"]

numReplicas = 1
startCommand = "npm run start --workspace packages/frontend"
sleepApplication = false
restartPolicyType = "ON_FAILURE"
restartPolicyMaxRetries = 10
3 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
zlwaterfield5mo ago
Project ID: 46d46a03-2c28-4380-92ac-09b6f3913862 Service ID: 36d44596-0375-41e0-8dd1-97f9a20f4b8f @Angelo any way to get some help here?
Pepijn5mo ago
I noticed on some of my projects a delay on when the build actually starts. Sometimes it waits 5 minutes until actual builds gets started, you can check a build logs first time with the build create time