Discord Webhooks - test works but never see a webhook after that
Our discord webhook that we setup in railway technically works but we never actually see it send anything.
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Strange, just tested and seems to working fine for me
Just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing here
you're talking about these webhooks right?
Yes, the test works but it never logs anything after that
Like for example if I restart our deployment shouldn't we receive a webhook notification?
yes, one for building and one for deploying, and finally one for success
Here's our functioning test webhook. I had set it up a long time ago and noticed it never actually received a webhook
I set it up again thinking it was a fluke but it appears to still be bugged
a restart will not trigger a webhook, fragly is talking about a redeploy
Okay and the webhook from my understanding is environment agnostic right? So if there's a crash in our acceptance/dev enviroment we'd receive a webhook?
It doesn't seem to work then because we didn't receive a webhook notifcation after our acceptance environment deployment crashed
do you get webhooks for when you push new code?
It seems to be working now so maybe deleting the webhook and re-adding it fixed it. I can also confirm redeploys cause the webhook to trigger including when it crashes