OPENAI Functions and Tools

I'm trying this example as it's explained in the help page: But I'm getting the stringified JSON as an answer: {"tool_calls":[ {"id": "call_AmJRCysQpf6IsXUXPqC8an2q", "type": "function", "function": {"name": "getWeather", "arguments": "{"city":"Paris"}"}}]} Instead of an LLM message like: The weather in Paris is sunny and warm, indeed! So, I do not understand the purpose of the Code: if (city === 'Paris') { return 'Sunny and warm' } else { return 'Rainy and cold' }
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3 Replies
Baptiste4mo ago
Indeed, it seems it does not work anymore. I'm checking how I can fix this
Baptiste4mo ago
It's only happening on production so I have a hard time debugging it... Tracking the issue here:
Toni Matas
Toni Matas4mo ago
Thanks, Baptiste!