Use React Query + Fetch for file upload

Hey there, I'm using Cloudflare's presigned URL to upload files. To upload the file I'm using the fetch API. How can I use react query for that fetch action? React Query works seamlessly with trpc, but how can I make it work for a good old fetch or axios request? I couldn't find a question like this before. If it does exist, please point me to the thread! Thanks everyone for your help in advance πŸ™πŸ™Œ
5 Replies
Sturlenβ€’4mo ago
what specific features are you looking for in react-query that you aren't getting with fetch?
Justusβ€’4mo ago
Mostly all the nice parts of react query like isLoading, onSuccess, onSettled. I don’t want to write all of that using react hooks
Sturlenβ€’4mo ago
a react-query mutation might be what you're looking for then. A mutation can be started when the user starts an upload and gives you a nice way to tell if the upload has finished, failed, etc. :
Justusβ€’4mo ago
Yes definitely, and that's what I tried. But when using useMutation I'm getting this error. I think it's because React Query is set up differently in t3.
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Sturlenβ€’4mo ago
could you post the code for the full component? I think there might be an issue with passing to many arguments to the mutationFn, but it's hard to tell without the full context
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