
If I use Cloudinary to store my images, do I upload the images using their widget uploader in SvelteKit and save a reference in Directus or do I have to setup Cloudinary in my Railway Directus template to have it handle the storage. If it is the second, are there egress fees? If setup in Directus, is it okay to add the Cloudinary after the fact or do I break something? I don't care about existing images as I only have a few currently. Thanks.
8 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody4mo ago
@Medim @Attacler/Bart one of you two uses directus, can you answer this please
Attacler/Bart4mo ago
Its the second thing and yes it will cost egress, you can always add cloudinary later If you do migrate files, they must be named the same and you have to update the storage column to match the new storage name
Kevinmac4mo ago
I know you can't answer this definitively, but will egress costs be similar to regular Railway costs. ie if my usage costs on Railway are like $50 would my egress fees be similar or would they be some X of that?
Attacler/Bart4mo ago
I guess it would be more or less the same since egress will only be outgoing traffic Some people use direct links to S3 ect to avoid routing traffic trough Directus
Kevinmac4mo ago
and it would only be on the file upload correct, since the files from front end would be displayed from Cloudinary?
Attacler/Bart4mo ago
Correct, altho you must know that there would not be any permissions on it So it would be all public (If people know the fileid)
Kevinmac4mo ago
That's not a concern. All the images will be public.