Railway5mo ago

trying to host a static website with nginx.

FROM nginx:latest WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html/ COPY public_html/ /usr/share/nginx/html/ CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"] this is my Dockerfile which is working locally, but im getting cloudflare host error on my site. im seeing these logs. 2024/02/04 10:22:48 [notice] 7#7: worker process 31 exited with code 0 2024/02/04 10:22:48 [notice] 7#7: worker process 53 exited with code 0 2024/02/04 10:22:48 [notice] 7#7: signal 29 (SIGIO) received 2024/02/04 10:22:48 [notice] 7#7: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 58 2024/02/04 10:22:48 [notice] 7#7: worker process 58 exited with code 0 2024/02/04 10:22:48 [notice] 7#7: exit
3 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: 7418d6aa-d7a2-45b1-962f-bfd0f0773a06
Rithik5mo ago
7418d6aa-d7a2-45b1-962f-bfd0f0773a06 i think im missing SSL/TLS in my nginx. thats the issue? i will try and update i figured it out, this can be closed now.
Brody5mo ago
for the record railway handles SSL certs, so please don't try to do that yourself