Specific docker file works as expected locally, but in railway it fails (Turbo Monorepo PNPM )
Turbo Repo (PNPM Workspace)
Specific docker file works as expected locally, but in railway it fails. I've added the variable path to variables RAILWAY_DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile.MAIN
testing this locally works as expected using this command
docker build -t mainapi --progress=plain . -f Dockerfile.MAIN
But in build logs. i got unexpected error like missing paths ERROR in ../../packages/auth/src/lib/user/user.service.ts 12:15-37
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please make sure file paths and filenames have the correct casing
It's the same and detect it successfully
#2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.MAIN
#13 8.992 main-api:build: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@repo/utils' in '/app/packages/auth/src/lib/**'
This is the json config file
i've seen this error lots, and every time ive seen it the user had their project folders and files cased incorrectly, i dont think this has anything to do with your dockerfile
please be sure all your project folders and files are cased the same locally, as they are on github
Iam sure they're the same
any hints how to fix this ?
the question is: what makes docker file behave different in railway build ?
case sensitivity
explain please
explanation is here π
Still can't get that. could you give me an example please !
please be sure all your project folders and files are cased the same locally, as they are on github
meaning that may i use import "src/repo" and dir is src/Repo ?
yeah, those kinds of differences matter
this should matters locally as well incase exist, right ?
well I've heard windows isn't case sensitive
my machine is Mac, and railway build is linux
so, if case sensitve is not the case. what else may cause this issue ?
please still quadruple check